星期四, 6月 03, 2010

”2010 Vote for A Free Burma Concert”

”Vote for A Free Burma”

We’re not that far away from our southwest Asian neighborhood nation Burma, only a few hours of flight away, to be exact.

While we enjoy the freedom and democracy here at home, the Burmese, under the strict control of military-led State Peace and Development Council, had long fought for the same civil rights that we have taken for granted.

On May 24th, just a few days ago, Burma had its first national vote since the 1990 election, asking its people to vote in favor its army-drafted constitution. The result was an overwhelmingly approval of the current government system. We believe the election had been fixed, and we would like to ask you to cast your vote to show support of the Burmese issue.

We are proud to invite you to join us, on Saturday, June 19th, to celebrate the birthday of Burmese Civil Acts leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who is still under the State Peace and Development Council-imposed detention, and vote for a free Burma with music from our own homeland and a postcard signing session. .

”2010 Vote for A Free Burma Concert”

Saturday, June 19th, 4 PM – 6PM.
Site - Kaohsiung Central Park, just outside of MRT Central Park station exit NO.1.
With in-site postcard signing session and live acoustic performance from The Tonic and Panai.

The ”2010 Vote for A Free Burma Concert” is hosted by Taiwan Free Burma Network (tasskn.blogspot.com), Taiwan Labor Front, the Kaohsiung Colorful-Page Women's Vision Association, in association with WombBloc Arts, New Idea Amalay, and the Social Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government.